
Every school has to do with aggression, but aggression can be provoked by many triggers. For that reason easy solutions are impossible to find.

On the contrary only an entire approach in which all pupils, teachers and leadership are involved, can be successful.

Alliance is a fundamental answer to violence and vulnerability. The emphasis lies on the creation of a positive school climate. Such climate nourishes a collective and individual well- being, helps to prevent problematic situations and adds to a more effective approach of already existing problems.

Pupils who feel themselves more allied tend to be more resistant; they have more empathy and gain a respectful basic attitude.

We have to avoid curative and short term measures against respectless behaviour. Control, fear and repression alter this behaviour but after some time it sours the school climate too.

Self respect and self confidence can only grow stronger if every participant feels more comforted with himself, the others, the surroundings, the group or society and last but not least life itself. Living that consciously guarantees the pupil to root fully and strongly in life.