Bottom up model

> Dutch

Conditions for a bottom- up model

1) Motivating school structure
To get initiative from the basis, to motivate people to do something has to be intrinsically in the school structure. This attitude can de stimulated by three factors: freedom of choice, renovation, an eye for capacities. This last factor has to be mentioned regularly or emphasized by principal or board. (“You would be good at this”)

2) Confidence- responsibility
Staff and leadership should work together in trust. Boards have to have confidence in their teachers, so they – the staff – feel themselves responsible for the (educational) project.

3) Safety
No one is infallible. The chance something goes wrong within an organization exists. Teachers shouldn’t be punished because of a possible mistake or oblivion in the course of the project. If there happens to be a safe environment, projects can be evaluated honestly and thus people learn from their mistakes.

4) Appreciation within the process
The board should pay attention to the project, and show interest from time to time (e.g. being present at certain activities, flexibility within the school organization).

5) Balance between benefits and efforts
It’s obvious organizing a project goes together with efforts, but this burden should remain bearable. On one hand this can be done by increasing the capacity or reducing the effort. On the other hand one should admit that there are benefits coming with the project, fully granted to the participants. They have to provide for the extra energy that lightens the extra work.

6) Information flow towards the entire staff
New ideas or initiatives can’t be expected from colleagues if one doesn’t inform them all the time about the progress of the project, and all its achievements. The fluent information flow to the entire staff should be a lasting topic of attention.

7) Top- down correction
To achieve success it is of great importance to have the right person on the right place. This is something the board should watch over, and hopefully they are on the right place as they are.

8) Good relationship
The way in which people are being informed, approached, asked to do something is of major importance, and this on all levels.