Pupils' council

> Dutch

A few recommendations about the pupils’ council

To start the council we organized elections so each year could choose 2 representatives.

But nowadays we are not in favour for this any more, because we experienced that our pupils chose the popular guys and they were not always the best to have a seat in the council.

Not really democratic but instead of elections we choose the representatives ourselves, or pupils come to ask if they can be member of the council and then we allow them to be , or not.

Because of the grades we normally had 12 members in the council and out of these pupils a chairman and a secretary is chosen.

But we are going to diminish the number of members and stick to one pupil for each year, because the younger pupils sometimes are outnumbered by the older ones.

The council meets once  a month. A few days after this meeting the pedagogical council meets to discuss the suggestions of the pupils.

Then  the report of both councils goes to the leadership.

With possible answers we go back to the pupil’s council the next month.

At every meeting one or two members of the pedagogical council are present, and normally a pupil should make the report, but knowing how poor their use of written language is, most of the time we make the report ourselves.

To finish, the domains they are allowed to discuss :

And they only fulfil an advisory function, they have no right to decide!